Family Association of the Immaculate Heart and of Saint Francis

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To be


Spose of Christ

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What does it mean to be a Spose of Christ?

What is the purpose of a nun's life?

Why does Jesus call?

Being Bride of Christ is the most intimate and important reality in the life of every consecrated person. That is why Jesus calls. This is the reason for choosing the religious life rather than the married life.


Nuns are those who have responded to the call of Jesus, who - it is true - loves everyone and died for everyone, but it is equally true that He prefers some and chooses certain people to entrust them with a mission and a higher dignity.
Every nun has had to respond to this call of preference, renouncing her own plans. Being a bride of God is such a high grace that it demands renouncing everything, it requires a total sacrifice, which is however rewarded a hundredfold, according to the very words of the Savior: "Truly I tell you, no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and for the sake of the gospel, will fail to receive a hundredfold in this present age " (...) " ( Mk 10,29-30). By taking the sacred vows (the Marian vow, of obedience, poverty and chastity) they make this renunciation to be fully available to God. Through a formation journey that includes the periods of aspirantship, postulancy, novitiate, temporary profession, and perpetual profession, they become Brides of Christ for eternity.


Marriage is a very high reality of this life, it is a reflection of God's love, a figure of Christ's love for the Church, his bride. Human love sanctified in marriage and motherhood are the natural vocation of every woman. This vocation, once discovered and accepted, is realized according to God's plans. For those called by Jesus, this reality is offered and sacrificed in order to fulfill an even greater love. And this EVEN GREATER LOVE is the answer, the purpose of the sisters' lives.


Being a bride of Jesus means loving God and men more, loving God as the spouse of His Heart, as His beloved, His intimate; loving men as a mother. Here the vocation of women is realized in the highest way: being a bride - the bride of Christ - and being a mother - mother of souls, of thousands and thousands of children from every place and time.


The vocation to divine spousalship is therefore the highest dignity that a woman can achieve in this life. It is a truly special vocation because it elevates the person, giving her the possibility to love beyond human strength, to love with all her heart created by God and uplifted by Christ to truly do so.


This total renunciation costs the nature a lot, but the grace of God assists and helps. The Madonna is the indispensable secret for moments of discernment and response to the call. She is the first Bride of God and Mother of souls who wants to teach those whom Jesus chooses as brides the most perfect way to live such spousalship and motherhood according to His Heart. In the Immaculate, therefore, there is the secret to correspond generously and to fully live one's vocation, experiencing an indescribable happiness already in this life.


What is it about?